UPDATE: Sign ups are now open for the 2024-2025 Season!



The Citrus United soccer program depends heavily on the financial support of our many sponsors.  Citrus United ihas been able to provide the services and programs we do because of the generous contributions of our sponsors.   If you plan to do business, please consider one of our sponsors!   Citrus United is a non-profit organization. 

$500 – Name on back on one team jerseys - 3 x 5 Banner on front fence (provided by club)
Link to Business website on Club website and link and shout out on Facebook.
$395 - Name on back on one team jerseys – 18 x 24 Yard sign displayed at fields.
(provided by club) Link to Business website on Club website and link and shout out on Facebook.
$175 – 18 x 24 Yard Sign displayed at fields. (provided by club) Link to Business website on
Club website and link and shout out on Facebook.
$100 - Link to Business website on Club website and link and shout out on Facebook.

Click here to download the sponsorship form.  

 THANK YOU TO OUR 2024-2025 Season Sponsors